Notification of Customer Data availability and deletion

Mediasite Video Cloud Contract expiration or termination

In the event of termination of the Hosting agreement between Customer and JPL Media or if the Customer decides not to extend the Hosting agreement, JPL Media will make available and delete all Customer Data in line with the process described below.

One week after the contract expiration or termination JPL Media will offline all Customer Data and Customer will no longer have online access to data.

Data Transfer

The Customer Data will be made available for the Customer to remove from JPL Media’s datacentre in a choice of two ways. 

  1. Fourteen days after the contract expiration or termination JPL Media will make a copy of Customer Data in Mediasite format (zip file containing the media files on a per presentation basis) available on a hard drive and ship to Customer. The cost of the hard drive and shipping will be paid by the customer.
  2. Upon written Customer request received by JPL Media within fourteen days after contract expiration JPL Media will make Customer Data available for download in an FTP folder for a period of 14 days. After the 14 day period the Customer Data in the FTP folder will be deleted.

Customer can within one week of the Hosting contract termination or expiration date make a written request for a quote from JPL Media for data availability in MP4 format. JPL Media will within ten business days respond to the Customer request for Data availability with a quote.

If the customer within ten business days of receiving the quote provides a purchase order to JPL Media, committing to the data conversion, the Customer data will be made available in MP4 format at the end of the one month period following the contract expiration/termination. The 

One month after Contract expiration or termination JPL Media will delete all Customer Data. Once Customer Data has been deleted restoration of data will no longer be possible.